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All FAQ's

How do I ask a question of my own?

You can contact us via our support pages. Please visit the following page and ask away!

How do I get my course certificate?

Once you have completed your course and passed the assessment, an email will be sent to the email address you registered to the system. This contains a download link to your certificate.

How do I reset my password?

You can either request a reset link to your registered email address, or by answering your memorable question (if you already know your correct username).
How do the courses work?

The online courses have been designed to be studied at your own pace. Each course is comprised of various distinct modules which are best studied in a single session. We have structured the modules to logically progress, however you can study each module in whichever order you prefer.

As you progress through each course, the system will remember which modules and sections you have completed, and will indicate these with a tick mark against each. If you need to break off your study for any reason, don't worry, when you return we'll remember which sections you have completed and automatically check them off again for you.

The best way to progress through the course is by using the Next or Previous buttons at the top of each page. This will ensure that you review all the content you need to know in order to successfully complete the multiple choice test at the end of the course and achieve your certification.
How long do the certificates last for?
ItO Training recommends the expiry date of each course. A unique reference number can be found on each certificate that can be verified within the system to prove the validity and currency of each one and will depend on the particular course.
How much support do I get when using the system?
Everything you need should be evident from the pages of the site if you read them thoroughly, however if you have specific questions, you can email us and we will respond accordingly. If we cannot answer your question by email or need to offer some additional support, we will be there for you - so don't worry!
I can’t log in. I have changed my password but I still can’t access the system or my course.

Just make sure you are entering the correct username as well as the correct password. Your username will be in the re-set email that you will receive if you request one from here:

I can’t remember my password!

You will need to go to:

... and follow the instructions. You can also reset your details using the memorable question you would have created when you first registered.
I can’t remember my username!

This is the name you chose when you first registered with us. If you can't remember it, request a password reset email which will also contain your Username.
I don’t think I will have time to complete the course I need to do in one go. Can I do the course in stages?
Yes – the system is designed to enable you to complete courses in stages. If you are interrupted or log out at any point, you will be taken to the last screen you visited when you log back in. Some of the longer courses have been designed with “Natural Breaks” so you might want to take the opportunity to log out at one of these points or at the beginning of a new Module.
I have activated a code and want to get started, what do I do?
Your courses are all allocated to your To Do tab. Simply select the course you want to study by clicking on it and follow the on screen instructions.
I have activated the code – how do I move through the course?
Read the instructions on the welcome screen and acknowledge you have read this.  Then, once you have clicked “Start Course” you can move forward and back using the Forward and Back arrows to the top right and top left respectively.  This is the best way to navigate, as it will ensure you do not miss any pages.
I have finished the course and it says I have not read all the pages. How can I complete the course?
The system tracks your progress through the course and your movement through the course is best achieved using the forward and back buttons to the top right and left respectively when you are in the course. If you have missed a page, the “find unread pages” button (above the knowledge tree on the left when you are in the course) will identify the pages you have missed.  When you have read all of these identified pages, the course will be complete and the last stage/assessment will be released to you.
I have forgotten my login details. How do I get a reminder?
You need to go to the login screen and click the “forgotten Password” Reset it link.  Follow the instructions and you will get a reminder sent to the email address you used to register in the system.
I have logged out, returned to the site to carry on with my course and I can’t find it.
When you first buy a course or activate an access code, your course will be allocated to your To Do tab on your User dashboard. Once you start your course, it will be moved to the In Progress tab, so if you log out and log back in again, you will find it in a different tab, depending on the stage of the course you have reached.
I have passed my course but have not received my certificate.

All certificates of completion are sent via email. Certificate copies can be downloaded from this email and the link it contains. Please check your email junk items though, as sometimes, initial emails may be directed there (by your email account). If this is the case, we suggest you mark us as a trusted sender to ensure this doesn’t always happen.

I want to see which questions I got wrong in the exam.

Any time you want to do anything related to a specific course, you will need to select it to see the options available, however you will only be able to see the answers you got right and wrong in an exam once you have completed and passed the course (by design).

Is there someone I can speak to if I get a problem?

We are usually able to provide everything you need via email, however if we do not answer your question, we will ask for your contact details and call you. You are not alone!

What happens to my course when it is complete?

You will be able to access the system using your username and password and review the courses you have completed for as long as you want. Courses are however periodically updated, so you may need to make sure these have not expired to ensure you are familiarising yourself with the latest version.

When I have registered, what do I do next to access a programme?
You may have either had a programme automatically allocated to your account, in which case it will already be in your To Do tab on your “User home” dashboard, or you will have been given a code, in which case, you will need to enter the code into the box using the link found on the right of the screen in your “User home” area. Once you click the link, enter the code into the box that appears and click the Activate Code button which will then allocate the course to your “To Do” area.